The School District, located in Rosholt SD, population 423, has accessed financing from Traverse Electric three times, all through the USDA REDL&G program. The first loan helped to construct classrooms for grades 9-12, a library and computer laboratory connected to the existing K-8 school building. The library and lab are open to the public and classes are offered. The second loan was used in construction of a structure that will be connected to the 1962 elementary building and 2003 addition. It houses a wellness center/weight room, music classroom, gymnasium, locker rooms, storage, concessions, commons area, restrooms, and administrative offices. The wellness center/weight room are available to community members to increase their health and quality of life. Financing from the third loan assisted with heating and cooling system improvements, upgrading the lighting system, and improving the security system to offer a safer environment for students to learn and faculty to teach. 2003,2007,2011. Rosholt School District has an enrollment of about 200 students and is ranked number one in the state according to state testing. They are ranked 690 of 19,400 schools in the nation (2014).