5 Dec 2016
If you're tired of negative news, head to our website to read about local businesses and their success!
Rural Electric Economic Development, Inc. (REED) is making success a possibility every day. We are a vital part of rural communities in eastern South Dakota and parts of Minnesota. Made up of 22 consumer-owned electric cooperatives, REED is tasked with funding local businesses and organizations. These loans make it possible for health care facilities to expand, people to buy businesses, construction projects to commence, and more. Essentially, if a business or project is going to help a rural community and a bank says it cannot finance the entire project, REED is there to help.
To reach more people, REED had a new website and social media profiles established. You can visit them regularly to learn about new projects. REED is providing capital and creating impact. Learn more about our story and solutions here, http://ow.ly/fLiH303K3p0.