RuralX17 Has People Coming Back For More

10 Jul 2017

Margot Gillette attended the RuralX Summit last summer and couldn’t wait to go back. In fact, the Economic Development Director for Beadle and Spink Enterprise Community (BASEC) is on a mission to recruit more people to attend from her community, starting with the BASEC Board of Directors.

“Last year’s RuralX was a great experience. BASEC’s staff was able to attend several sessions that directly impact our work in our small communities. I was able to talk with small town developers from all over the state about their work as well as talk with individuals representing some of South Dakota’s larger industries – agriculture, banking and health care.  Based on last year’s experience I couldn’t wait to get signed up again,” she says.

Margot grew up in Redfield but moved away to attend college and law school. She practiced law in Colorado before moving back to Redfield, where she loves living near family and good friends. Her interest in rural economic development stems from her belief that sustaining rural populations and making rural communities more livable is vital to all of South Dakota.

“At RuralX, I was able to discuss a variety of topics that impact rural communities–including large scale issues that affect all of South Dakota such as health care, transportation and legislation,” she explains. “I was also able to gather new ideas on how to make things happen. I really enjoyed meeting other economic developers and hearing how they are working to develop their communities.”

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