Meeker Cooperative Celebrates 90 Years of Service and Two Years as a REED Fund Member

Meeker Cooperative Celebrates 90 Years of Service and Two Years as a REED Fund Member Main Photo

31 Jan 2025


Since 1935, the Meeker Cooperative Light and Power Association has served residents and businesses in central Minnesota. It boasts more than 9,000 electric accounts across six different counties (Meeker, Kandiyohi, McLeod, Renville, Stearns, and Wright). This year, Meeker Cooperative turns 90 and has never looked better.

“Meeker Cooperative has been a great addition to the Rural Electric Economic Development Fund,” says Eric Fosheim, Economic Development Manager for the REED Fund. “Each of the 27 member cooperatives in our organization supports the growth of rural Minnesota and South Dakota while improving the lives of residents here.”

Read more about Meeker Cooperative and how it supports its members. 

Meeker Cooperative Distributes Electricity and Fiber Internet to Members

Meeker has more than 15,000 meters and 9,000 accounts. The reason for this disparity is the cooperative’s energy management program, which allows Meeker to shut down certain loads to control energy usage. Many households in the region actually have two meters in their homes, with the second meter monitoring the water heater or heat pump. When Meeker shuts down high-stress accounts (like a heat pump overworking in the winter), residents use secondary fuel sources.

More than 60% of Meeker members participate in this program and use dual-fuel power options. The program allows for the even distribution of power and keeps electricity bills low for members.

Meeker is also unique because of its broadband services. In 2019, it started providing fiber internet to anyone in the region who wanted it, regardless of whether or not they receive electricity from the co-op. Out of 44 co-ops in the state, only six currently offer broadband service.

“There are people in more densely populated cities in Minnesota that do not have internet like we have,” says Steve Kosbab, Energy Services & Business Development Manager at Meeker Cooperative.

Kosbab says that helping residents set up their fiber internet was the easy part. Today, his team spends a portion of their time helping residents learn how to use it, from showing them how to download apps to helping them access streaming services. 

Meeker Invests Considerably in Member Engagement

Electric cooperatives across the United States believe in putting their members first, but Meeker takes extra steps to connect residents with staff to better learn about the people using its services. Here are just a few events Meeker Cooperative puts on throughout the year to thank its members.

  • Coffee On the Co-op: team members at Meeker Cooperative treat residents to coffee and donuts (or extra gooey cinnamon rolls) at local restaurants around town. This is an opportunity for neighbors to socialize while learning more about the co-op. Attendees can meet with management and ask questions about how the organization is run. 
  • Member Appreciation Events: Meeker hosts at least one member thank-you event each year. In one recent event, families received discounted ski and tubing passes at a local resort. Meeker’s linemen stoked bonfires and made s’mores for attendees.  
  • Vibrant-U Live: Every Wednesday at 10:30 AM on KLFD Radio (AM 1410 or FM 95.9), residents can tune in to learn about local resources and online opportunities. These discussions directly address members' needs.

Outside of these big activities, Meeker Cooperative employees can be found handing out ice cream in parks during the summer and participating in local community groups in their spare time. Meeker is committed to connecting with members in person and online — wherever they want to be reached. 

“That’s what is unique about all of the cooperatives,” says Kosbab. “As much as things are changing, we continue to maintain close relationships with our members. People like that.” 

Meeker Cooperative Joined REED Because of Its Infrastructure

Kosbab admits that Meeker Cooperative hasn’t been as strong as it could when it comes to economic development. Because this wasn’t a strong suit for the cooperative, many business owners and community leaders in the area don’t know to approach their local electricity provider for support. But this is changing. By becoming part of the REED Fund, Meeker can tap into its existing programs and recommend the loan fund to organizations that could benefit from it.

“I pushed for us to become members of East River’s REED Fund,” says Kosbab. “I started recommending the fund long before we were officially part of the program.”    

Participating members provide a financial contribution to the REED Fund to support its efforts. This money is issued to qualifying projects in the form of loans with favorable interest rates. When the loan money is paid back, the funds plus interest can then be redistributed to the community in the form of another loan. A single investment by Meeker Cooperative could help dozens of member businesses and municipalities within a few years.

“I hope that by having the REED fund available to the area that Meeker serves, we can spur economic development and growth whether it’s in agriculture or industrial industries, and bring more opportunity to Meeker County,” says Kosbab. “This will provide additional jobs and support the local tax base.”

You do not have to be a member of Meeker Cooperative to access the funds. They are open to applications for projects within close proximity of their electric footprint that will have an impact on local communities. 

Learn More About Other Member Cooperatives

Since its founding in 1996, the REED Fund has issued $133 million in loans, and new member participation will help it grow even more. Learn more about the cooperatives that are part of the REED Fund and the great work they do. Read success stories of projects that made significant differences in their communities.