New Health Clinic Opens in Woonsocket

7 Nov 2016

Visiting a doctor should be as easy as grabbing groceries but that requires health clinics being placed in our rural communities.

Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. believes that too. They provide electric power to more than 4,700 customers in southeastern South Dakota. Their customers include farmers, residential homes, and businesses.  You can learn more about Central Electric, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative, here

Central Electric is a member of our Rural Electric Economic Development Fund (REED), and they made it possible for a new medical clinic in Woonsocket to receive the funding necessary to open and operate.  The Horizon Health Care clinic has three exam rooms, diagnostic services, a procedure room, and nurse's’ station. “A big part of our mission is to build stronger communities and helping to increase access to good, affordable health care is one way we can keep our rural towns strong.”  -Ken Schlimgen, General Manager for Central Electric Cooperative.  You can learn more about this project here