11 Apr 2023
News, Featured Loans
April is National Volunteer Month and volunteer fire stations everywhere can use new helpers. If you are a Mount Vernon resident who has been looking for a way to dedicate your time to improving the community, consider volunteering for the Mount Vernon Volunteer Fire Department in South Dakota!
The Mount Vernon Volunteer Fire Department is always in need of assistance. The station is currently searching for a Fire District representative to serve on the board.
The Mount Vernon Volunteer Fire Department is eager to bring in volunteers, with their new building almost ready to go. Work on the building is expected to be finished in June. When the Fire Department needed financial assistance with the finishing touches on the building, the REED Fund stepped in and helped finance the last of the projects.
The new Mount Vernon Volunteer Fire Department building—located on Main Street—offers more space for the trucks and equipment. The REED Fund helped finance the final projects that will complete the work needed on the building.
“Working with the REED Fund was super easy,” said Mike Kluth, Assistant Chief of the Mount Vernon Volunteer Fire Department.
Kluth has been with the Mount Vernon Volunteer Fire Department for 11 years and has served as Assistant Chief for the last 6 years. He grew up and went to school in Mount Vernon. He is now a Consumer Loan Officer for Dakotaland Federal Credit Union in Mitchell, SD where he has worked for 13 years. When he is not working, a large portion of his spare time and energy is spent putting out fires throughout the Mount Vernon community.
Kluth began planning for the new Mount Vernon Volunteer Fire Department building after he noticed the space for trucks and equipment in the previous building growing tighter. The new building not only provides the necessary space for essential equipment, but it is also more aesthetically pleasing to passersby. Kluth is very happy with the construction results so far and he noticed that community members are also impressed.
“I have received a lot of comments on how nice the building looks,” Kluth said. “It is pretty much completed on the outside and has made Main Street look a lot better.”
Keep your eyes peeled for the open house, coming up soon!
National Volunteer Month offers the perfect opportunity to reflect on the contributions of volunteers throughout your community. Not only is it a time to show appreciation for these compassionate individuals, but it is also a chance to consider volunteering and to encourage others to do the same.
The REED Fund team is in awe of the selfless individuals of the Mount Vernon Volunteer Fire Department who risk their lives to keep the community safe. The Reed Fund team would like to thank all of the volunteer firefighters in Mount Vernon, SD!
Those interested in volunteering for the Mount Vernon Volunteer Fire Department can message them directly on their Facebook page.