Our Schools Are #1!

28 Nov 2016

What does it take to build a great school? Help from a consumer-owned electric cooperative! Traverse Electric Cooperative provides affordable energy to its customers, but that’s only a portion of what they do. This is their community, and Traverse is constantly looking for ways to make it better. Get the scoop on Traverse Electric here, http://ow.ly/EvWN303JbGL.

When the Rosholt School District needed to expand and build classrooms for a high school, gym, music classroom, lockers, weight room, and more – they turned to Traverse Electric for help. Traverse Electric and REED provided three separate loans to fund the expansion and improvement projects the school needed. Now, Rosholt High School has a 100% graduation rate according to state-wide reporting, http://ow.ly/IVa0304J4FZ.By working together as a community, students in Rosholt are getting an amazing start to life. Learn more about this amazing partnership here http://ow.ly/TQ4B303JbC4.