Improving Lake Norden’s Water Quality

12 Dec 2017

Did you know that people use between 80-100 gallons each of water per day? Every time someone flushes a toilet, 3 gallons of water is consumed. Taking a shower uses about 17 gallons.

When water is readily available, it’s easy to take for granted. While ensuring consistent access to a quality water supply isn’t an issue most citizens contemplate, it’s a major responsibility for municipalities. Water treatment is a necessity and a big expense.

When the City of Lake Norden needed $450,000 in upgrades to its water treatment facility, Mayor Jason Aho says the REED Fund was a good resource to finance the project.  

Lake Norden supplies about 395,000 gallons of water each day to 467 customers. The city had two water treatment filters but wanted to add a third to create more retention time in order to remove excess iron and manganese. Modifications were also made to the treatment facility’s electric and control systems.

Though the minerals were never present in amounts that were harmful to health, they affect odor and flavor. They can impact color, resulting in discoloration of bathtubs and toilets. Iron can also accumulate and clog appliances like dishwashers and washing machines.

Mayor Aho says the city could have gone through the state of South Dakota or a regular bank for the loan but REED funding was a better option because staff were helpful and it was a simple application process.  

As a result of this project, citizens of Lake Norden have a more consistent flow and better quality water. “You can tell the difference,” says Mayor Aho.