Community Loans
Community facilities and services are necessary for quality of life and sustainable development. REED Fund provides a wide range of financing for what we call community projects. Loan applicants include, but are not limited to, civic and philanthropic organizations, educational institutions, local governments and special purpose districts. The following success stories illustrate the broad spectrum of different types of projects we have assisted, including education, public safety, emergency services, recreation, arts, community infrastructure, facilities and equipment.
REED also finances nonprofit development organizations for activities such as industrial parks, leasehold facilities and multi-family housing. Check the business and multi-family housing links for more information.
All borrowers are encouraged to integrate energy efficiency in facilities and construction. Purchase of electricity from a REED member cooperative is NOT required to receive financing. For more information, check out Eligibility and Application, for qualifications and to obtain an application.
Some loans for community projects are able to qualify for a loan through USDA’s Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDL&G) program. These projects can compete nationally to receive a 0% loan for a 10 year term.
14 & 25, Inc.Category: (none)
Kingsbury Electric awards loan to local group to build a Dairy Queen/Subway restaurant
1481 GrilleCategory: (none)
Kingsbury Electric awards loan to assist new owner to buy 14-81 Grille in Arlington
1804 Boat StorageCategory: (none)
Oahe Electric awards loan to assit with construction of storage units near Missouri River
605 Sires, LLCCategory: Agriculture, Southeastern
605 Sires Receives Loan from Southeastern Electric’s REED Fund
605 Sires, LLC has expanded their family owned full-service bull collection and donor facility and was recently awarded financing when Southeastern Electric’s loan fund, the REED Fund assisted with the expansion.
605 Sires opened in 2017 and...
A H Meyer and Sons, Inc.Category: (none)
Sioux Valley Energy makes loan to assit honey producer with expansion and new equpment purchase
Aberdeen Development Corp, East Industrial ParkCategory: Northern, Business, Cooperatives
In 1994, the Aberdeen Development Corporation purchased 160 acres to expand its industrial park with assistance from Northern Electric, who provided access to a 0% loan from USDA’s REDL&G program. It was completed in 1995 and is currently home to four businesses including the offices of the Aberdeen Development Corporation,...
Aberdeen Development Corp, Molded FiberglassCategory: Northern, Business, Cooperatives
The Aberdeen Development Corporation is a private non-profit corporation with the mission of primary job creation. Developing the industrial and back-office economic base of Aberdeen and the region is their business. REED provided financing to assist with construction of a 319,500 sq ft building to be leased to Molded Fiber...
Aberdeen Development CorporationCategory: Northern, Infrastructure, Cooperatives
In 1994, the Aberdeen Development Corporation purchased 160 acres to expand its industrial park with assistance from Northern Electric, who provided access to a 0% loan from USDA’s REDL&G program. It was completed in 1995 and is currently home to four businesses including the offices of the Aberdeen Development Corporation,...
Ag Services Inc.Category: (none)
Northern Electric makes loan to local buisness to purchase equipment for ag processing
Airport Travel CenterCategory: (none)
Northern assists local owner with loan to build new restaurant, gas and convenience store
Alliance MidstreamCategory: Agralite, Business, Cooperatives
Alliance Midstream receives loan through Agralite Electric Cooperative
BENSON, Minn. — A critical, longtime propane delivery terminal at Benson will continue to operate thanks to a loan secured through Agralite Electric Cooperative. Alliance Midstream LLC, which was developed to keep the terminal operational, has received a $500,000 loan through...
Alliance MidstreamCategory: (none)
Agralite Electric makes loan to assist with expanding faclities for regional propane distribution
Areawide Business CouncilCategory: (none)
East River helps Areawide Business Council recapitalize regional loan fund with USDA funded loans
Armour Electric Motor Repair, IncCategory: Douglas, Business, Cooperatives
A loan from Douglas Electric assisted a new owner to purchase an existing business. The company provides general electrical and wiring services and rewinds motors.
AutoMaxxCategory: Northern, Cooperatives, Business
REED Fund Turns ‘A Dream’ Into Reality
AutoMaxx of Aberdeen Open For Business
With room for more than 250 vehicles, the large car lot at AutoMaxx just east of Aberdeen is something co-owner Kelly Krausz has been dreaming about.
“It was a dream,” Krausz said. “I thought...
Beadle & Spink Enterprise Community, Inc.Category: Northern, Community, Cooperatives
Beadle & Spink Enterprise Community, Inc. (BASEC) established its loan fund in 1994 and makes loans to individuals, businesses and communities while also providing needed financial and technical assistance services to parts of Beadle and Spink counties. BASEC received a helping hand from Northern Electric Cooperative when a Rural Electric Economic...
Best Western PLUS Lakeview HotelCategory: Business, Sioux Valley Energy, Success Stories, Cooperatives
Madison, S.D. – Sioux Valley Energy has provided a loan to the new Best Western PLUS Lakeview Hotel in Madison through its Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) loan fund.
“We are proud to partner with the owners of Madison’s...
Blunt Cash StoreCategory: (none)
Local owner expands and relocates gas and convenience store with loan assistance from Oahe Electric
Bowdle Hospital/Community CenterCategory: FEM Electric, Healthcare, Cooperatives
The city of Bowdle, population 502, received a loan to construct an addition that connects the city-owned hospital and the nursing care center. The addition enabled shared services and new services, such as a wellness center and community room.
Building Infrastructure for a Thriving CommunityCategory: FEM Electric, Community
Public gathering places play a vital role in the social life of a community. Community centers help cultivate relationships and a sense of belonging. Publicly owned recreational amenities like parks and gymnasiums take it a step further, enabling residents to reap the additional mind and body benefits of getting physical.Unfortunately,...
C9 EnterprisesCategory: West River Electric, Business
C9 Enterprises Receives Loan from West River Electric’s REED Fund
C9 Enterprises was recently awarded financing in February of 2019 when West River Electric Association issued a Rural Electric Economic Development, or REED, loan to C9 to purchase a local restaurant, Red Rock Restaurant, in Wall, SD. ...
Capital University CenterCategory: Oahe, Community, Cooperatives
Capital University Center, located in Pierre, SD, population, 13,646, is a South Dakota Board of Regents institution that delivers higher education opportunities to a seventeen county area in Central South Dakota through the state’s public universities. The REED fund loan helped to finance construction of a facility to meet the...
Cattail-Woodland CabinetryCategory: Whetstone Valley, Cooperatives
Whetstone Valley Electric makes loan to help expand Woodland Cabinetry in Sisseton.
City of ArlingtonCategory: (none)
Kingsbury Electric awards USDA funded loan to assist with improvements to Arlington's Main Street infrastructure
City of Bird Island, MNCategory: (none)
Renville-Sibley Electric awards USDA funded loan to assist with improving public infrastructure
City of BluntCategory: (none)
Oahe Electric assists Blunt with loan to help mitigate flooding
City of ChamberlainCategory: (none)
Chamberlain upgrades Water Treatment Facilites with a USDA funded loan from Central Electric
City of DeSmetCategory: (none)
DeSmet is awarded a USDA funded loan through Kingsbury Electric to assist with constructing a community health clinic
City of DeSmetCategory: (none)
A USDA funded loan from Kingsbury Electric, and a loan from Kingsbury's REED fund assist with extending public infrastruction
City of DeSmetCategory: (none)
Kingsbury Electric awards loan to DeSmet ot assist with extending infrastructure to newly annexed development
City of DeSmetCategory: (none)
A loan from Kingsbury Electric assist with street and infrastructure improvements in DeSMet
City of ElktonCategory: (none)
A USDA funded loan from Kingsbury Electric assist with infrastructure improvements to Third Stree in DeSmet
City of EmeryCategory: Central, Community, Cooperatives
The Little Learner’s Preschool and Daycare will be relocating this spring with the help of a Rural Economic Electric Development (REED) loan through Central Electric Cooperative. Central Electric was one of two lenders to the preschool and daycare center.The preschool and daycare are currently housed in property owned by the...
City of EstellineCategory: (none)
The City of Estelline receives a USDA Funded loan from H-D Electric to assist with Main Street infrastructure improvements]
City of Franklin, MNCategory: Renville-Sibley, Community, Cooperatives
The $200,000 0% loan from Renville-Sibley Cooperative loan enabled the city of Franklin, population 510, to complete a wastewater upgrade project by extending services to business and homes in the city.
City of HurleyCategory: (none)
The City of Hurley receives USDA Funded loan from Southeastern Electric to assist with extending new water lines in the community
City of Lake AndesCategory: Charles Mix, Community, Cooperatives
Charles Mix Electric facilitated obtaining a USDA 0% interest loan for the City of Lake Andes, population 879. The loan assisted with replacing the city’s water lines.
City of Lake AndesCategory: (none)
Charles Mix Electric awards USDA funded loan to Lake Andes to assist with water system improvements
City of Lake NordenCategory: H-D Electric, Community, Cooperatives
The City of Lake Norden used REED financing for water treatment plant expansion and improvements including installing a new gravity filter, modifications to electric and control systems and building modifications. The end result will be a more consistent flow of better quality water and overall productivity improvements in the community...
City of LetcherCategory: (none)
Central Electric awards USDA funded loan to Letcher to assist with constructing a fire hall and community center.
City of Luverne EDA, MNCategory: (none)
The Luverne EDA used a USDA funded loan from Sioux Valley Energy to build a facility for lease to industry
City of Platte, SDCategory: Charles Mix, Community, Cooperatives
The City of Platte, population 1,136, completely remodeled a 1960 community center and added a Library that effectively doubled the size of the facility. The remodeled center will also include a multi-purpose room, kitchen and dining room. Also housed in the facility will be an updated wellness center and City...
City of Tintah Fire DepartmentCategory: Traverse Electric, Community, Cooperatives
The City of Tintah, MN (population 63) and the Tintah Fire Department have upgraded their equipment over the last few years to better serve are small towns and townships. By doing so, they outgrew their fire hall. A new fire hall was constructed using a combination of REED Financing and...
City of Tyler, MNCategory: (none)
The city of Tyler use a USDA funded loan from Lyon-Lincoln Electric to assist with expansion of its hospital and clinic.
City of Wheaton, MNCategory: (none)
A loan from Traverse Electric funded by USDA, help Wheaton extend streets and infrastruture to a new development
City of WoonsocketCategory: (none)
A loan from Central Electric helped the City of Woonsocket build a new faciliyt for VanDyke Supply
Clear Lake Building CenterCategory: H-D Electric, Business, Cooperatives
Clear Lake Building and Rental Center is going through some exciting changes in 2016. The previous owners operated the business for 43 years and the business has been in the community for 50 years. The company's new owners, Daron and Dustin Kreger, are brothers who have worked at the business...
Coteau Des Prairies HospitalCategory: (none)
The hospital received a USDA funded loan from Whetstone Valley Electric to assist with renovations and an addition to its facilty
Countryside ManufacturingCategory: Bon Homme, Business, Cooperatives
Countryside Manufacturing makes etched wood clocks and mirrors for nationwide distribution through an established sales network. The project assisted with construction of a 48 X 70 addition to an existing building and purchase of computerized equipment for laser etching.
Crosby Road ConstructionCategory: Agralite, Business
REED Fund Helps Crosby Road Construction Expand
APPLETON, MN, SD – Crosby Road Construction will be expanding once again this spring with the help of a Rural Economic Electric Development (REED) loan through Agralite Electric Cooperative. Agralite was one of two lenders to the business to purchase more land...
Dakota ButcherCategory: Codington Clark Electric, Business, Cooperatives
Dakota Butcher, LLC is a locally-owned family business since 2009, originally based in Clark, SD. They have recently expanded their operations with two additional locations in Watertown. Not only is Dakota Butcher, LLC a full service meat locker that offers custom processing on beef, pork, lamb, buffalo and wild game,...
Dakota Butcher Expands Your Dinner ChoicesCategory: Agriculture, Codington Clark Electric, Business, Featured
Local shop enhances quality and increases supply with new smokehouse.
It’s amazing what can happen when a business is able to streamline all of its production under one roof. The work is more efficient, challenges that arise are resolved more quickly and it means a higher quality product...
Dakota Ethanol, LLCCategory: Sioux Valley Energy, Agriculture, Cooperatives
Dakota Ethanol is a 50 million gallon per year producer-owned, bio-refinery located in Wentworth , SD. REED financing assisted the company with purchase and installation of a Corn Oil Extraction system that will be used in conjunction with the ethanol production process.
Dakota Landing EstatesCategory: (none)
A loan from Oahe Electric help bring public infrastructure to Dakota Landing
Dakota Style, Inc.Category: Codington Clark Electric, Business, Cooperatives
Dakota Style began as a family business making kettle-style chips on a farm near Clark, SD (population 1,051) 29 years ago. It has grown into a national supplier of high quality salty snack foods with a product line featuring sunflower seeds (in shell and kernels) with innovative flavors, healthful options...
Dakota Style, Inc.Category: (none)
A loan from Codington Clark helped purchase equipment for processing sunflower seeds
Dakota Style, Inc.Category: (none)
Codington Clark's loan provided needed working capital for expansion
Dakota Style, Inc.Category: (none)
Dakota Style use a loan from Codington Clark Electric to make faclity improvements
Dakota Turkey Growers/Dakota ProvisionsCategory: Dakota Energy, Agriculture, Cooperatives
Dakota Provisions is a state of the art food production facility that processes and markets fresh turkey and other protein related products located in Huron, SD population 12,592. The business is jointly owned by Hutterite Colonies in North and South Dakota that raise turkeys as part of their diversified farming...
DaMar Farmers ElevatorCategory: (none)
DaMar farmers elevator used a loan from Lake Region Electric to install gas pumps, so Langford had access to fuel locally
Davis Family, LLCCategory: (none)
H-D Elecrric helped finance Davisco's expansion into chees projcessing
Davis Fire DepartmentCategory: (none)
The Davis Fire Department used a loan from Southeastern Electric to purchase a newer fire truck
Delmont Fire DistrictCategory: Douglas, Community, Cooperatives
The Delmont Fire District used a loan from Douglas Electric to help with the costs of a new fire hall. The previous fire hall was destroyed in a May 2015 tornado, and the hall was recently rebuilt and completed.
DeSmet Development CorporationCategory: (none)
Kingsbury Electric assisted the development corporation with a loan to improve the faciilty leased to Shinamerica
DeSmet Development CorporationCategory: (none)
The development corpration used a loan from Kingsbury Electric to renovate a building for lease to industry
Do-MatsCategory: Agralite, Business, Cooperatives
REED member Agralite Electric Cooperative, is proud to be a part of the financing package to construct a new home for Do Mats Family Food. The grocery store has been a family business in Benson, Minnesota, population 3,240, for nearly 45 years. Do Mats’ CEO is Matthew Mattheisen, son of...
Double D Western, LLCCategory: (none)
Dakota Energy provided a loan to assist a new owner to purchase the store.
Eastside CarwashCategory: (none)
Whetstone Valley Electric made a loan to help Eastside Car Wash expand.
Elk Point Country ClubCategory: (none)
A loan from Union County Electric helped the golf course install an irrigation system
Elkton LockerCategory: Cooperatives
Elkton Locker, Inc. has been a state inspected locker plant in Elkton, SD for over 30 years. The locker provides custom harvest and processing services for local producers as well as processing and manufacturing retail meat products. With REED financing the locker expanded and became a federally inspected facility that...
Eureka HospitalCategory: FEM Electric, Healthcare
Eureka Hospital Receives Loan from FEM Electric Association’s REED Fund The Eureka Hospital was recently awarded financing in August of 2018 when FEM Electric issued a Rural Electric Economic Development, or REED, loan and a USDA REDG loan to the Eureka Hospital for equipment to expand the services provided to members...
Faulk County JailCategory: FEM Electric, Community
FEM Electric Association, Inc. (FEM), an electric distribution cooperative in Faulk, Edmunds and McPherson Counties of South Dakota, assisted with financing the Faulk County Jail expansion located in Faulkton, SD. A new 35-bed Jail and Sheriff’s Office, meeting minimum American Correctional Association standards was constructed adjacent to the existing Faulk...
Faulkton Area Development Corporation, Inc.Category: FEM Electric, Infrastructure, Cooperatives
Faulkton Area Economic Development Corporation (FAEDC) is establishing a new industrial park in this community of 740. Loan proceeds were combined with funding from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, to purchase land and add infrastructure (water, sewer, roads and approaches) to the property and create 11 sites for sale/lease to...
Fisher Enterprises, Inc.Category: (none)
A loan from Whetstone Valley helped a new owner purchase a gas/convenience store
Franklin IndustriesCategory: Renville-Sibley, Business, Cooperatives
The Cougar Cub Child Care and Franklin Community Center are opening their doors in Franklin, Minnesota with the help of a Rural Economic Electric Development (REED) loan through Renville-Sibley Cooperative Power Association. Renville-Sibley Cooperative was one of three lenders to the daycare and community center.
The project is the result...
Frederick Development CorporationCategory: Northern, Multi-Family Housing, Cooperatives
Two new rental units have been built in the northern Brown County community of Frederick thanks in part to loans from Northern Electric Cooperative’s Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) Fund and Grow South Dakota. The Frederick Development Corporation received a $90,000 loan through the REED Fund and another $90,000 loan...
Frederick Development Corporation Refueling StationCategory: Northern, Business, Community
Frederick Development Corp. receives $300,000 loan through Northern Electric Cooperative and the REED FundFREDERICK — The Frederick Development Corporation has constructed a unmanned refueling station in the northern Brown County community of Frederick thanks in part to loans from Northern Electric Cooperative’s Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) Fund, Northeast South...
GavilonCategory: (none)
Financing from Central Electric helped with infrastructure development at the site of a new grain and agronomy facility
Generations BakeryCategory: (none)
The bakery was assisted by a loan from Lyon-Lincoln Electric
GLB, Inc.Category: (none)
GLB used financing from Lake Region Electric to expand
Granite PropertiesCategory: (none)
A loan from Kingsbury Electric helped construct a new manufacturing faciliiy in DeSmet
Grant County Development CorporationCategory: (none)
Whetstone Valley Electric issued a USDA funded loan to the development corporation to assist with infrastructre expansion in the industrial park
Grant-Deuel School DistrictCategory: (none)
The School District used a USDA funded loan from Whetstone Valley Electric to add a distance learning classroom
GROW South DakotaCategory: East River, Multi-Family Housing, Cooperatives
East River Electric Power Cooperative’s Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) Fund has announced a $1 million loan to GROW South Dakota. The loan was officially closed Nov. 19 and will provide supplemental funding to the organization’s housing loan programs which provide affordable housing options to low-income families.
“East River...
Harold Grain CompanyCategory: (none)
The loan from Oahe Electric was used to re-open and expand a grain handling and agronomy facility
Hayti Improvement CorpCategory: (none)
Funding from H-D Electric was used to renovate a faciliiy for use by Northeast Education Cooperative
Heartland Grain FuelsCategory: (none)
Funding from Dakota Energy was used for equipment purchae at the Huron bio fuels plant
Hendricks HospitalCategory: Lyon-Lincoln, Healthcare, Cooperatives
Hendricks Community Hospital Association (HCHA), a non-profit corporation, is a critical access hospital that provides acute care, long-term care and congregate housing in Hendricks, MN, population 713. The facility also hosts outreach providers in the areas of audiology, cardiology, ENT, occupational therapy, oncology, orthopedics, podiatry, surgery, urology, and others. Lyon...
Horizon Health Care, IncCategory: (none)
A loan from Kingsbury Electric and a USDA funded loan helped with construction of a new medical and dental facility in DeSMet
Horizon Health Care, IncCategory: (none)
A loan from Central Electric and a USDA funded loan helped with construction of a medical clinic in Woonsocket
Horizon Health Care/WoonsocketCategory: Central, Healthcare, Cooperatives
The new Horizon Health Care, Inc. (Horizon) medical clinic in Woonsocket has benefitted from a pair of low-interest loans through Central Electric Cooperative and the Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) Fund. Central Electric, a local Touchstone Energy® Cooperative, used the Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) program to secure...
Huron Regional Medical CenterCategory: Dakota Energy, Healthcare
Dakota Energy Cooperative, an electric distribution cooperative in Beadle, Hand and Hyde Counties of South Dakota, assisted with financing the Huron Regional Medical Center in Huron, SD (HRMC). HRMC used the funds to replace its IT core infrastructure components of older servers and storage with new systems. The new systems...
Huron School DistrictCategory: (none)
A USDA funded loan from Dakota Energy helped finance new classoroms at Madison Elementary
Ipswich Golf ClubCategory: (none)
A loan from FEM electric helped improve the golf course
JFS, Inc.Category: (none)
A loan from Lyon Lincoln helped with renovations
K&M HuntingCategory: (none)
K & M Hunting offers a South Dakota pheasant hunting experience with a relaxed, friendly, and family environment. They provide prime hunting habitat, lodging accommodations and entertainment, and home-cooked meals. After a tornado destroyed the original building, a REED loan helped to finance a new lodge and commercial kitchen. K...
KG Travel Plaza, Inc.Category: (none)
A loan from Oahe Electric helped local owners purchase and renovate a convenience store/gas station
KHC, IncorporatedCategory: (none)
A loan from H-D Electric helped a local construction company expand to South Dakota
Kieffer Repair & SalesCategory: Central, Business
Kieffer Repair & Sales Receives Funding WHITE LAKE, SD, October 1, 2020 – Kieffer Repair & Sales has a new building for their diesel repair and body shop business with the help of a Rural Economic Electric Development (REED) loan through Central Electric Cooperative. Kieffer Repair & Sales, owned by Todd...
Kingsbury TownshipsCategory: (none)
Four Kingsbury County townships jointly purchase a fire truck
Kingsbury TownshipsCategory: (none)
Four Kingsbury County townships jointly purchase a fire truck
Lake Area Improvement CorpCategory: Sioux Valley Energy, Business, Cooperatives
Financing was used to construct the Heartland Technology Center in the Hueners Technology Park, Madison SD population 6,474. The Center has office space designed to meet the needs of business needing a high-tech setting and near nationally recognized Dakota State University to provide immediate access to some of the best...
Lake Region Golf ClubCategory: H-D Electric, Community, Cooperatives
Lake Region Golf Club is a public golf course near Lake Poinsett that has received REED financing three times. The first loan helped finance the construction of a new clubhouse and renovation of storage facilities (1997). The second loan was used to expand the course from 9-holes, built in the...
Lake Region Golf ClubCategory: Lake Region
Lake Region Golf Club Receives Loan from H-D Electric Cooperative’s REED Fund
H-D Electric Cooperative recently issued a Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) loan to Lake Region Golf Club to help cover extra expenses for repairs and working capital after flooding during the 2019 golf season. ...
Lesterville Fire and RescueCategory: Community, Bon Homme
Lesterville Fire and Rescue received loan from Bon Homme Yankton Electric’s REED Fund Lesterville Fire and Rescue was recently awarded financing when Bon Homme Yankton Electric issued a Rural Electric Economic Development, or REED, loan to Lesterville Fire and Rescue for a building addition and purchase of air packs for the...
Little Bend Bait ShopCategory: (none)
Oahe Electric, Addition to a bait shop serving Missouri River fishing
Little Motel on the PrairieCategory: Kingsbury, Community, Business
“It’s salt of the earth people that come to visit De Smet. They can’t believe how it keeps its prairie ambiance,” says Cheney. “They think of it as a different world but people still come into town and can feel that friendliness as they walk up and down the street.”In...
Madison Regional Health SystemCategory: Sioux Valley Energy, Healthcare
Loan Funds Help Madison Regional Health System Purchase Radiology Equipment
Colman, SD - Sioux Valley Energy received funding from the United States Department of Agriculture Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant Program to provide a zero percent interest loan of $300,000 to the Madison Regional Health System. Sioux Valley...
Main Stop, LLCCategory: (none)
Kingsbury Electric, Construction of a gas station/convenience store
Medgene LabsCategory: Sioux Valley Energy, Business
Sioux Valley Energy’s REED fund loans money to Medgene LabsColman, S.D. – Sioux Valley Energy provided a loan to Medgene Labs through its Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) loan fund to finance facility and equipment. Based in Brookings, South Dakota, Medgene Labs is an Immunological Services ProviderTM to leading livestock integrators. ...
Milbank MotelCategory: Whetstone Valley, Tourism
Milbank Motel Receives REED Fund Loan
The Milbank Motel was recently awarded financing on 6/30/2020 when Whetstone Valley Electric issued a Rural Electric Economic Development, or REED, loan to the new owners to purchase and upgrade the facility in Milbank, SD.
Rodney and Shirley Parent were...
Miner County Community Revitalization (Rural Learning Center)Category: (none)
The Rural Learning Center (RLC) is a non-profit organization in Miner County dedicated to improving the quality of life for residents. The RLC purchased four apartment buildings and upgraded two of them using funds from REED. The apartments will fill the need for housing due to expanded businesses in the...
Miss Becky'sCategory: Renville-Sibley, Business, Cooperatives
A loan from the REED funds assisted the owner of the Smokey Hollow restaurant in Farifax, MN (population 1,235) to purchase a facility in Fairfax to expand her catering business and hold larger events. Longer range plans include food processing for resale at the same location.
MNY Group/Life FloorCategory: Sioux Valley Energy, Business, Cooperatives
Life Floor expands production
Aquatic tile manufacturer increases output, creates jobs at Madison plant
MADISON, S.D. - When you think of South Dakota, you may not immediately think of swimming pools.
But for the manufacturer of a slip-resistant tile installed largely around pools, South Dakota...
Morningside ManorCategory: (none)
Souitheastern Electric Cooperative made a USDA funded loan to assist with expansion and renovation of a nursing care center
Mount Vernon Economic Development GroupCategory: Central, Community
Mount Vernon Economic Development Group Receives Funding for HousingMOUNT VERNON, SD, February 10, 2020 – The Mount Vernon Economic Development Group (MVEDG) has constructed another two houses for income-qualified families in the town of Mount Vernon with the help of a Rural Economic Electric Development (REED) loan through Central Electric...
NCFE Air, LLCCategory: Dakota Energy, Agriculture, Cooperatives
NCFE Air, LLC provides aerial application services for customers of North Central Farmer’s Elevator. To insure timely application, NCFE felt the need to better schedule aerial spraying for the growing list customers purchasing crop protection services, leading to a joint venture with a local business. REED financing helped construct a...
NCFE BowdleCategory: FEM Electric, Agriculture, Cooperatives
North Central Farmer’s Elevator (NCFE) is a full-service grain marketing and farm supply cooperative serving farmer-owners in north central South Dakota. FCFE used financing to increase capacity by constructing a shuttle facility near Bowdle SD, population 502.
NCFE BuildingCategory: Success Stories
North Central Farmers Elevatorbuilt a $2 million corporate office building in Ipswich that will serve as the administrative hub for its 17 facilities in South Dakota and North Dakota.
"Our cooperative has grown dramatically in the last 14 years," said Keith Hainy, general manager for North Central. The elevator...
NCFE Ipswich HeadquartersCategory: FEM Electric, Agriculture, Cooperatives
FEM Electric assisted North Central Farmer’s Elevator to construct a new office facility in Ipswich. The cooperative has grown from 7 locations to 17 locations and the new office will provide administrative office space necessary to keep pace with the growing cooperative.
NCFE Sun TerminalCategory: FEM Electric, Agriculture, Cooperatives
July 24, 2015
Contact: Stephanie Horst, Director of Communications & Marketing
FEM Electric • 605-426-6891 •
North Central Farmers Elevator Receives Loan from FEM Electric REED Fund
IPSWICH, S.D. — North Central Farmers Elevator (NCFE) has received a loan to expand its...
New Owner Continues Success of Tulare Country MeatsCategory: Agriculture, FEM Electric, Featured
Nathan Genzler got an early start in his career. As a child, he would visit Tulare Country Meats, the butcher shop where his dad worked, after school. When he was about 8 years old, he was told that if he was going to be there, they were going to put...
Northern Geo, LLC Category: Agralite, Business, Cooperatives
Northern Geo was awarded financing when Agralite Electric issued a Rural Electric Economic Development, or REED, loan to Northern Geo for expansion of their heatpump manufacturing plant located in Appleton, MN.
Working closely with local banks, other loan funds, state and federal agencies to finance community and economic development...
Northern Plains LumberCategory: Southeastern, Business
REED Fund Helps Lumber Company Thrive in Rural South Dakota
As experienced lumber industry professionals, Tim Doyle and Carl Serck saw an opportunity to invest in a local lumberyard, both as a business venture and a chance to save a community. But they knew they needed assistance.
Northern Star Subways, Inc.Category: Codington Clark Electric, Business, Cooperatives
REED financing assisted with remodeling existing Subway restaurants in Milbank, population 3,353, and Watertown, population 21,482. Upgraded equipment and new décor packages added to the customer friendly atmosphere in the restaurants. The firm also added two additional locations in Watertown.
Northside Properties, LLCCategory: Business, Lake Region
Northside Properties LLC Receives Loan from Lake Region Electric’s REED Fund
Northside Properties LLC was recently awarded financing when Lake Region Electric issued a Rural Electric Economic Development, or REED, loan to Northside Properties LLC for a building for retail businesses in Roslyn, SD.
Working closely...
Opera House GroupCategory: Central, Community, Cooperatives
Once slated for demolition, the 1905 Opera House now stands proudly on the corner of Dakota and First Street in Wessington Springs, population 974. Financing was used for heating and cooling systems to permit year round use of the facility. The opera house is the only stage in town and...
Opera House GroupCategory: (none)
Central Electric, assist with renovations in historic opera house
Our Home, Inc.Category: Dakota Energy, Community, Cooperatives
Our Home is a non-profit organization that provides housing and educational services to at-risk youth. The $100,000 loan was used to aid in construction of a new dormitory at the facility near Huron, SD, population 12,592.
Our Home, Inc.Category: (none)
Dakota Energy, USDA funded loan to support expansion of a residential facility for at risk youth
Peanotz, IncCategory: (none)
Codington Clark Electric, financed equipment for snack food manufacturer
PEDCOCategory: Pierre, Cooperatives
The REED Fund assisted the Pierre Economic Development Corporation with financing infrastructure and the construction of a 29,000 square foot building to relocate Eagle Creek Software Services to Pierre. This business currently employs approximately 60 people and expects to eventually bring 175-200 jobs to the community.
Pickerel Lake LodgeCategory: (none)
Lake Region Electric, loan to add motel facilities to a lakeside resort
Plagman's GroceryCategory: Kingsbury, Business, Cooperatives
Plagman’s Food Center and Hardware are separate storefronts in a single building. Both business were in aging buildings on the town’s Main Street and were relocated to a new facility on the intersection of US Highways 81 and 14 in Arlington, SD (population 915) for better visibility. The new building...
Prairie Heart Guest House, Inc.Category: Southeastern, Healthcare, Cooperatives
The GuestHouse is a 20 unit motel-like structure connected to the Heart Hospital of South Dakota. The purpose of the non-profit project is to offer reasonably priced, to free, accommodations to patients and families of patients of the hospital and adjacent North Central Heart Clinic. The facility features comfortable common...
Prairie Properties, LLC (2018)Category: H-D Electric, Multi-Family Housing
Prairie Properties, LLC Receives Loan from H-D Electric Cooperative’s REED Fund
H-D Electric Cooperative recently issued a Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) loan to Prairie Properties, LLC for the construction of an eight-plex apartment building in Lake Norden, SD.
H-D Electric Cooperative utilizes the...
Prairie Properties, LLC (2019)Category: H-D Electric, Multi-Family Housing
Prairie Properties, LLC Receives Loan from H-D Electric Cooperative’s REED Fund
H-D Electric Cooperative recently issued a Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) loan to Prairie Properties, LLC for the construction of a ten-plex apartment building in Lake Norden, SD.
H-D Electric Cooperative utilizes the REED Fund to partner...
Providing the Perfect Blend: Mixing Agriculture & ChemistryCategory: Agriculture, FEM Electric
Prescription Agronomics, now Agtegra, creates customized fertilizers to help farmers save money
Winter is on the way. Dropping temperatures used to mean a slower season for the team at Prescription Agronomics, which creates customized fertilizers for regional farmers. Director of Operations Jon Gilbert explained that the company’s operations...
Purity Seeds, LLCCategory: Codington Clark Electric, Agriculture, Cooperatives
Purity Seeds, LLC, a family business located near Raymond, SD (population 69), is growing and packaging whole flaxseed for human consumption. They offer high quality, clean, whole golden omega flax seed, fresh cold milled flax, and crafted flax. Purity Seeds has also developed several ready to make mixes using flax...
Riverfront BroadcastingCategory: Central, Business, Cooperatives
MITCHELL, SD, January 25, 2016 - Mitchell, S.D. – Central Electric Cooperative’s Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) Fund will help to spur economic development over the airwaves thanks to a recent economic development loan. The REED Fund recently closed a loan to Riverfront Broadcasting, LLC which has purchased two radio...
Rock County OpportunitiesCategory: Sioux Valley Energy, Community, Cooperatives
Rock County Opportunities (RCO) received financing from Sioux Valley Energy to assist with constructing an addition to its facility in Luverne, MN. The addition will provide additional space for work opportunities for people with disabilities and related conditions. RCO provides training and job coaching to its clients and contracts with...
Rocky Ridge Hunting, Inc.Category: Oahe, Business, Tourism, Cooperatives
Rocky Ridge Hunting, Inc. used financing to construct a new sporting clay course and a steakhouse located one mile off of Highway 14 near Harrold, SD. During the off-season, Rocky Ridge facilities can be used for family reunions, corporate retreats and meetings.
Ron's Equipment PaintingCategory: Whetstone Valley, Business, Manufacturing, Manufacturing, Cooperatives
Ron’s Equipment Painting, based in Milbank SD population 3,536, constructed a larger facility to accommodate business expansion using REED financing. The company paints heavy equipment manufactured in Watertown, SD and also paints farm and other equipment. In addition to new paint booths and expanded work facilities, the business has a...
Rosewood BarnCategory: (none)
Central Electric, financing to assist with renovation of a barn into a hunting lodge
Rosholt Housing and Redevelopment AuthorityCategory: Traverse Electric, Multi-Family Housing, Cooperatives
Rosholt Housing and Redevelopment Commission has a successful 17-year track record in building and managing housing in the town of 427. It owns 10 units, two 4-plexes and a duplex, to meet a growing need for housing. An additional 4-plex was recently completed with all units spoken for. Traverse Electric’s REED...
Rosholt School DistrictCategory: Traverse Electric, Community, Cooperatives
The School District, located in Rosholt SD, population 423, has accessed financing from Traverse Electric three times, all through the USDA REDL&G program. The first loan helped to construct classrooms for grades 9-12, a library and computer laboratory connected to the existing K-8 school building. The library and lab are...
Rosholt School DistrictCategory: (none)
Traverse Electric, a USDA funded loan to assist with an addition to a K-12 School
Rosholt School DistrictCategory: (none)
Traverse Electric, a USDA funddd loan to assist with upgrades to a K-12 School
Roy Lake ResortCategory: (none)
Lake Region Electric, financing ot expand and improve cabins near a state park
RS Fiber CooperativeCategory: Renville-Sibley, Community, Cooperatives
Renville-Sibley recently closed a $1.5 million loan from the REED Fund to RS Fiber Cooperative of Gaylord, Minn. RS Fiber is a newly-formed cooperative created through a community-driven effort to bring a high-speed fiber-optic connection to everyone in the project area and provide low-cost, reliable high-speed internet, crystal clear video...
Rutland SchoolCategory: (none)
Sioux Valley Energy, financing help with adding a distance learning classroom
Schmidt's LandingCategory: (none)
A loan from Whetstone Valley helped with expanding camping hookups
SDSU Growth Partnership: Fueling Economic DevelopmentCategory: Sioux Valley Energy, Business, Featured
Universities are unique environments. They serve as fertile ground to test innovative ideas. They cultivate creativity and talent. With the right resources and collaborations, academia can provide fuel for economic growth.
Community, business and university leaders in Brookings, South Dakota formed a collaboration in 2004 to help harness...
Shady BeachCategory: (none)
Whetstone Valley Electric, financing to assist with purchase of a lakeside supper club
Shady Beach 2Category: (none)
Whetstone Valley Electric, financing ot assist with pruchase of a supper club
Shinamerica, Inc.Category: (none)
Kingsbury Electric, financing to assist a local industry with purchasing equipment
Shortfoot Calf RanchCategory: (none)
Lake Region Electric, financing to assist a calf-raising operation to expand
Sodak ShoresCategory: (none)
Whetstone Valley Electric, loan to assist with construction of a a restaurant
South Dakota Pulse Processors, LLC Category: Oahe, Agriculture, Cooperatives
Oahe Electric’s loan fund, the REED Fund, has issued loans to Pierre Economic Development Corporation (PEDCO) and South Dakota Pulse Processors, LLC (SDPP) to construct a building and purchase equipment to operate a pulse processing plant in Harrold, SD. The REED Fund partnered with the State of South Dakota to...
South Eastern Development FoundationCategory: East River, Community
SEDF was created to stimulate economic development through the creation of a regional revolving loan (RLF) fund for residents of Clay, Lincoln, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner and Union counties. The RLF serves as a lending partner with banks and other financial institutions in the region. SEDF’s typical loans range from $20,000...
Steak OutCategory: (none)
FEM Electric, loan to construct a supper club
Steve's WeldingCategory: (none)
Central Electric, loan to expand a welding shop
Sundial ManorCategory: Lake Region, Healthcare, Cooperatives
Sun Dial Manor, Inc. Receives Loan from Lake Region Electric’s REED Fund
Sun Dial Manor, Inc. was recently given a helpful hand when Lake Region Electric Cooperative, Inc. issued a Rural Electric Economic Development, or REED, loan. The funds will be used to purchase and install a new generator...
Sunset Adventures, IncCategory: Kingsbury, Business, Cooperatives
REED financing assisted construction of a 37-unit motel, including meeting rooms, indoor pool and exercise facilities. It provides accommodations in DeSmet SD, population 1,129, the town that claims Laura Ingalls Wilder as its favorite daughter.
Sunset Manor/Sunset VillasCategory: Southeastern, Healthcare, Cooperatives
Sunset Manor received a 0% loan from Southeastern Electric using USDA’s REDL&G program to assist with construction of an assisted living facility and medical clinic in Irene, SD, population 420. The facility has eight (one and two bedroom) apartments and a common dining room. The Manor operates the facility. The...
The Bird's Nest, Inc.Category: Sioux Valley Energy, Business, Cooperatives
The Bird's Nest, Inc. is a hunting lodge and pheasant guide business located near Winfred, SD, population 52. The Bird's Nest offers a unique private get-away less than an hour away from Sioux Falls, SD. With over 1300 acres of hunting ground ranging from milo to sorghum to CRP, shelterbelts,...
The Infrastructure to Attract IndustryCategory: FEM Electric, Business
Industrial parks are a valuable recruitment tool. But acquiring a large property and establishing the requisite infrastructure to attract companies is a major undertaking, particularly for a rural area.
The people of Faulkton, South Dakota have long prioritized economic development.
According to Trevor Cramer, economic development...
Town of RevilloCategory: (none)
Whetstone Valley Electric, lona to construct a community center
Town of WardCategory: Sioux Valley Energy, Community, Cooperatives
The Town of Ward Receives $25,000 Loan from Sioux Valley Energy’s REED FundThe Town of Ward was recently given a helpful hand on August 21, 2013 when Sioux Valley Energy issued a Rural Electric Economic Development, or REED, loan to The Town of Ward. The funds will be used to...
Tractors and Trucks, LLCCategory: Lake Region, Cooperatives, Business, Agriculture
WEBSTER, SD, September, 2016 – Lake Region Electric Association’s Rural Electric Economic Development (REED) Fund was recently utilized to help support local agriculture. It is exciting when a need exists in a community and a local business owner can raise the capital and meet the need. That ability is what...
Trav's OutfitterCategory: Codington Clark Electric, Business
Trav’s Outfitters Receives Loan from Codington-Clark Electric Cooperative’s REED Fund
Watertown – Trav’s Outfitters, a locally-owned family business started in 2003, has recently expanded their operations to a new 28,000 square foot building on the NE side of Watertown on Highway 212. The REED Fund partnered with a local...
Truss-Pro'sCategory: Lake Region, Business, Manufacturing, Cooperatives
In business since 1978, Truss Pro’s, a wholesale manufacturer of roof and floor trusses for sale to lumber yard dealers in a five-state area, has grown from a small three person shop into a major rural success story in Britton, SD, population 1,241. REED financing assisted with expansion including a...
Tulare Country MeatsCategory: Northern, Business, cooperatives
Tulare Country Meats is a retail and processing facility in Tulare, SD, population 207, that has done custom processing of domestic livestock and wild game and distributes its products through two retail locations, in Tulare and Huron, SD, employing 14 people. The owners recently sold the business to long time...
Tyler Community Golf ClubCategory: Lyon-Lincoln, Community, Cooperatives
The Tyler Community Golf Club is an 18-hole golf course and community/club house facility near Tyler, MN, population 1,143. REED financing was used to construct an addition to the meeting area to allow seating for up to 300 people. The facility will be used for public meetings, special events and...
Tyler Healthcare Center/Lake Benton ClinicCategory: Lyon-Lincoln, Healthcare, Cooperatives
Lake Region Electric’s loan to Tyler Health Care will help make needed physical improvements to the Lake Benton Minnesota Clinic and enable them to obtain Provider-Based Rural Health Clinic designation from the US Department of Health and Human Services. After renovations the clinic will operate 32-40 hours per week, an...
Tyler HospitalCategory: (none)
Lyon Lincoln Electric, USDA funded loan for renovation of a hospital
Union County Historical Society (UCHS)Category: Union County Electric, Community, Cooperatives
The Historical Society, a volunteer organization in Elk Point, SD, population 1,963, received financing from Union County Electric Cooperative using the USDA REDL&G program, to purchase a 6.7 acre site with a house, two barns and an historic brick kiln for use as a museum, interpretive center and visitor’s center...
Valley Ag Supply, IncCategory: Clay Union, Agriculture, Cooperatives
Valley Ag Supply, Inc. sells fertilizer, seed, chemicals and other ag related supplies from its Gayville, SD (population 407) business. REED financing helped the business expand into custom spraying.
Vermillion Area Chamber & Development CompanyCategory: Clay Union, Community
Vermillion Area Chamber & Development Company Receives Loan from Clay Union Electric’s REED Fund The Vermillion Area Chamber & Development Company was awarded financing in December of 2019 when Clay Union Electric issued a Rural Electric Economic Development, or REED, loan to finance a state of the are storage facility which...
Vos/Pluto LegalCategory: Lyon-Lincoln, Business, Cooperatives
A REED loan assisted Pluto Legal’s move from a home base into an office facility. The company specializes in Estate Planning, Elder Law Planning, Wills, POS, HCD and Probate.
Wakonda Heritage ManorCategory: Clay Union, Healthcare, Cooperatives
Located in Wakonda, SD, population 321, Heritage Manor used REED financing make renovations to the entry and resident lounge areas, giving families added space to meet with loved ones and accommodate residents with assistant devices. Also included in the renovations were additional administrative office space and a networked computer system.
Watertown Development CompanyCategory: Codington Clark Electric, Business, Cooperatives
The Watertown Development Company was the recipient of a zero-interest $300,000 loan awarded by Codington Clark Electric to apply towards the spec building that has been constructed at Pheasant Ridge Industrial Park. The WDC Board was presented with the check during their regular board meeting held on Wednesday.
Webster Home CenterCategory: Lake Region, Business, Cooperatives
The Webster Lumber & Home Center opened in August, 2008. This business is a full scale lumber and home building supplies business for Webster and the surrounding area. The REED Fund assisted with financing the construction of the building and purchasing inventory and fixtures to bring this needed business to...
Werkmeister Welding, LLCCategory: Douglas, Business, Cooperatives
Werkmeister Welding is a family owned business in its third generation of family leadership located near Armour, SD population 699. It was founded in 1982 and is a leading manufacturer of high quality cattle feeding equipment. REED financing assisted in the construction of a new building. The company also purchased...
Weskota Manor, Inc.Category: (none)
Central Electric, loan to assit with an addition to a nursing care center
West-Con Expansion Builds Capacity, ResiliencyCategory: Agriculture, Agralite, Featured
It’s estimated that independent businesses return an average of three times more money to their communities than their competitor chains. The REED Fund has long been investing in local companies to help build businesses —and ultimately more resilient local economies.
Some of REED’s loans support projects that add...
Western Consolidated CooperativeCategory: Whetstone Valley, Agriculture, Cooperatives
Western Consolidated Cooperative used a REED loan to aid in the construction of a 1.1 million bushel grain terminal near Twin Brooks SD, population 69. In addition to the enclosed storage there is a 2.2 million bushel piling system connected to the main terminal. There is also a 10,000 bu/hr...
Western Consolidated Cooperative (West-Con)Category: Agralite, Agriculture, Cooperatives
Western Consolidated Cooperative (West-Con) of Appleton, MN was the recipient of a loan to expand its grain storage facility courtesy of an Agralite Electric Cooperative REED Fund loan. West-Con’s expansion is phase 2 of a multi-year project that added over 2.75 million bushels of storage and expanded its rail loading...
Westside ImplementCategory: (none)
Codington Clark, financing to expand an implement dealership
Whetstone Creek Golf CourseCategory: Whetstone Valley, Business
Whetstone Creek Golf Course Receives REED Fund Loan
The Whetstone Creek Golf Course was recently awarded financing on 7/29/2020 when Whetstone Valley Electric issued a Rural Electric Economic Development, or REED, loan to the golf course to install an irrigation system and make other improvements to the...
Yankton Rural Fire DistrictCategory: Bon Homme, Community, Cooperatives
The Yankton Rural Fire Association is a membership organization that owns and operates fire protection equipment. It is staffed by the City of Yankton Fire Department to serve rural and residential residents outside the city of Yankton, SD. The fire association obtained a loan to construct an addition to the...